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Thursday, April 15th, 2010…because I’m getting spammed. Sorry about that. Who am I talking to exactly?
…because I’m getting spammed. Sorry about that. Who am I talking to exactly?
Not “organic” in the sense that they are hand-raised on a farm using no hormones or GMOs, but ‘organic’ in ….some other sense.
Anyway, go here.
I just bought this DSO kit by JYE Tech. It’s got a 5MHz capture rate which translates to about 1MHz of useful bandwidth, which is pretty cool and plenty for my needs, which is mostly capturing pulse trains while I’m developing something. The photo shows development of a controller for the RC heli motors I mentioned a couple of posts back. There are a few sources for the kit, I got mine at
Sparkfun. They also have another cool looking DSO here.
Let’s see if I’m going to be sufficiently motivated to keep this updated. I’ll be posting updates on my latest projects (the majority of which I will never finish), funny/odd things that I encounter in NYC (with pictures where available) and observations which at least I find hugely entertaining.
The latest funny thing is that I carried this guy from 65th to 70th street to help him in his effort to be carried the length of Manhattan. He’s making a video of it and I’ve started writing my autobiography in anticipation of the media frenzy.